Episode 68:  Motorcycles Never Leave Reality

Episode 68:  Motorcycles Never Leave Reality

I hear this expression quite often from vacationers, especially those visiting from large busy cities.  Usually after one of my tours in the National Park and if they tell me that they are leaving for home the next day, they say “We have to go back home.  Have to go back to reality”.  

Maybe you and I say the same thing after a motorcycle trip.  “Got to get back to work, back to my desk, I have to make those sales quotas, gotta write the new software patches, gotta get back to my classes at college.  After this vacation, I’ve gotta get back… to reality”.  

But maybe, we’ve got it all wrong.  Maybe we’ve got it backward.  Maybe that escape, that ride on our motorcycle after work, maybe that returns us to reality. Pure bliss is in your grasp and along with that, the all elusive but attainable, Peace of Mind.  This could get deep.  Thank you for joining me today!


Is our busy schedule at work, the pressure of endless meetings and computer work and not to mention our busy life at home, the constant updates from the 24 hour news cycle about the latest political scandals, mass shootings, floods, dreadful economic outlooks.  Or less we forget our phones, with the second by second social media updates on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram that kidnaps our attention into hours and hours of scrolling for the next shocking thing that someone has to show us.  Is that the reality we have to return to when our vacation ends?  

Or…or…. is reality the life that you experienced while you’re on vacation?  

I think so many people have this idea of escaping reality all wrong.  As for you and me, isn't it the real world, the reality, those times of relaxation and joy, isn’t that the time we spend outside, riding the motorcycle that you’re so proud of.  Is the true reality your enjoyment of the sound of your bike, feeling the air temperatures change as you go from valley to valley, taking in the amazing view of a bald eagle up in the tree as you ride by a lake.  Is reality how your delicious hot coffee tastes in the morning chill of clean pure air at that little outdoor coffee stand way out in the mountains.  

Which is REALLY is your reality?  I think we have this concept of escaping reality, backward!  The reality that the world is not a constant traffic jam.  It’s not all paved over.  The world where there are huge open spaces, beautiful mountains with snow on top even in summer.  The world where friendly people in small towns are excited to welcome you.  I’m not making this up.  I’ve seen it.  

This past Wednesday I witnessed the most dangerous driver on the freeway that I have ever seen.  I was driving in North Dallas.  One of my frequent trips from Colorado for work.  Anyway, it was about 7am on Highway 121.  I heard honking and saw flashing high beam lights in my rear view mirror.  The honking and flashing was from another car warning the drivers ahead of the on-coming danger.

The traffic was flowing at 70 miles per hour.  The driver of that car was doing at least 100, if not more.  The car sped past me on my left, slamming on the breaks coming up on other cars, then weaving within inches of the cars ahead.  The car took the next exit, still at around 100 miles per hour.  Insane!

My first reaction, the first thought into my head, I thought I hope that you learn your lesson.  I thought the worst for that driver.  After that unhinged thought.  Then I took a breath and came back to my senses, thinking like a caring human being, I wondered what has happened to that driver to cause him or her to drive like that?  It must be something terrible.  And look at me.  I’m driving a nice car, sipping a really good coffee, listening to a symphony on the radio.  I have friends and family in the Dallas area whom I get to visit with.  I have a good job and work with people whom I admire and care about.  What could happen in my life to cause me to drive like that?  It would have to be something emotionally terrible.

That happened this past week.  But also this past week I had a conversation with my mom and dad, both in their 90’s, about how they grew up in the 30’s and 40’s.  Their childhood.  What a different world they lived in.  Global events were happening then too, like WWII for example, and political upheaval, but it wasn’t the constant topic of conversation because their was no TV in their house, other than the radio which for the most part was used for listening to the baseball games.  Without TV what did they do in the evenings after working in the fields, they had dinner together then they talked, or maybe had friends over to play games or even sing together.

Then at night, the sky was full of stars.  No light pollution and it was quiet, no noise from cars or planes.  Pure reality.

I share all of this because it's my personal mission to slow down, to stop being so distracted, should look at social media less, and to spend time just relaxing. And for me one of the most relaxing things I've ever done is ride a motorcycle.   not scrolling on my phone not staring at my computer just looking ahead breaking and accelerating and changing gears from time to time and knowing that at least for what's in front of me right now, all is right with the world. it's nice to spend time in reality. I hope you can find yours too.

 As always, thank you so much for listening. I wish you peace I wish you love.

Music by Alban_Gogh from Pixabay