Episode 61: Who Are We?  Your Motorcycling Community.

Episode 61: Who Are We?  Your Motorcycling Community.

I think we know each other. Maybe we haven’t yet met, but if you love riding your motorcycle, as I do, we probably know a lot about each other without exchanging our first words.  That’s why it’s so easy to strike up a conversation at any gas station or coffee shop with another motorcycle rider. Isn’t that awesome!  What a gift.  We do something that makes us happy and gain friendships along with way, almost without even trying!

I recently received an email from a listener named Ryan in Italy.  With a great deal of kindness, Ryan told me that theåç podcast was meaningful to him and that he would love to come to the western US and ride out here sometime.  Wow, that made me feel good.  Thank you, Ryan!  Another new friend!  

Are you looking for a community?  A sense of belonging?  Well, you already have your membership card.  It’s whatever bike you ride!  It’s the jacket you’re wearing.  It’s the helmet you carry into the coffee shop.  You’re in!  How great is that?  Let’s talk about it.  Stay tuned!


We motorcycle riders have a lot in common.  We’ve talked endlessly about that over several episodes.  But it’s true and it’s a beautiful thing.  We wave at each other when we pass.  We do the Biker Wave right?  We ask each other where we’ve been and where we are going.  Sometimes we even ask for recommendations on where to ride or do small favors.

Just last week, riding alone on a country road just west of where I live, I’ve ridden this twisty road hundreds of times.  I came upon another rider in front of me.  I stayed back a safe distance then I saw a ball cap come flying off of his bike.  He noticed it too and stopped, but I was right there and it was easy enough to stop, so I picked it up and brought it to him.  We chatted there on the side of the road for a moment and I asked him where he was going.  “Just out for a ride” he said, so I asked him if he would like to follow me to the Howling Cow coffee shop at the Morning Fresh Dairy.  You’ve heard me talk about that place before.  He said “Sure” so off we went.  As I got to know my brand new friend, Jim, once again, we didn’t have to come up with anything to talk about at all.  We first talked about our bikes and the routes we had ridden.  Within a few minutes, we talked about our backgrounds, our families, how long we had lived in the area.

In the online publication called “This I Believe”, I ran across an essay called “The Open Road” listing only the author’s first name, Casey, and his location being Oakland, California.  Given that the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally begins this week, I felt his words were especially appropriate.

Casey said “When I was young, my father took me to Sturgis Bike Week in South Dakota. We rode from Angels Camp, CA to Sturgis and it changed me forever. I fell in love with motorcycles and traveling long distances. Since then, I have set out on a few journeys of my own—it was rough at times, passing through from town to town out in the middle of nowhere, only stopping to fill up and take a break from the highway, maybe a little small talk with the locals. Life on the road can be exciting, sometimes lonely, you may stop to catch up on what’s going on in the world with a total stranger, who turns out to be the most friendly person you will ever meet. It’s amazing how nice folks can be when you’re just another rambler.”

He continued “Traveling cross-country on a motorcycle reminds me of the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. I am a motorcycle mechanic myself and I know the beauty of life on the road, working on your machine while traveling the country side. I always enjoyed having zero responsibilities to tie me down when hitting the road. In between jobs or whatever it is—as long as you have some money saved up, you can forget about all your problems and leave the world behind, live your own life and answer to no one.”

Well said, Casie!

I’m reminded that we motorcyclists are indeed an international community.  Sometimes I take a glimpse into which countries are listed as having listeners of this podcast.  I shouldn’t pay attention to statistics because my goal is really to reach at least one person who is interested in the content.  But yeah, I’ve looked, and as of right now, in order of most episode listens, it’s North America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, South America, then South Africa.  That’s just so cool to know!

Perhaps we’ve been down different roads in life.  Differing life experiences.  Those who grew up poor and got rich, or those struggling everyday to make ends meet.  Those of different races, different gender identities, different ages.  Yes, we’re different, but isn’t it an amazing, a beautiful thing, that we riders really do know each other.  I’m convinced that the vast majority of riders care for each other.  We are Community.  And that, my friends, is something to be very happy about.

So who are you?  You’re a rider, you’re a member of a supportive global community and you are my friend and I hope we can meet someday!

Thank you for listening.  I wish you peace.  I wish you love.